Loan Capital Veränderung Datum
Calloway Real Estate Investment To CAD 4.51B 141.16M 2023-09
Chartwell Retirement Residences CAD 1.67B 229.61M 2023-06
Extendicare CAD 318.71M 61.76M 2023-09
Federal Realty Investment USD 4.61B 93.51M 2023-12
H&R Real Estate Investment CAD 3.67B 107.66M 2023-09
Sienna Senior Living CAD 941.41M 29.23M 2023-09
Urban Edge Properties USD 1.73B 87.78M 2023-12

Calloway Real Estate Investment To Fremdkapital - Diese Werte, historische Daten, Prognosen, Statistiken, Diagramme und ökonomische Kalender - May 2024.